Lion's Arch Merchant
Victor, Titan, Crusader, Golem
Some builds I've been playing with, seeing how they work before making more drastic changes to my warrior like switching secondaries. Anyway, my favorite thought is the Victor, though I'm wondering how well he'll hold up in the arena. Based on how well I've done with him without the few added advantages, I think it will work fine, since it is a very nice heal. Of course more played is the Crusader who can serve a constant purpose, especially since I'm a W/E and do use alot of this constantly. And we can all see the fun of being the Titan, and the Golem is thrown in there for someone else to test because I've yet to find Obsidian Flesh, I ran the Black Curtain for the nightmare boss and didn't find out of 10 times.
Note, to get Victory is Mine! for a few of the builds, head to Port Sledge with a Signet of Capture, and move directly out from there. There is a cliff, just move forward with ctrl held down scanning enemy names, you'll note a boss within 15 seconds if the guy uses his charge ability (full henchmen group, t hey tear most of these enemies without your help). Look for a grawl named Sakalo Yawpyawl, he should have it. If he's on the next rise over, let yourself be killed, and resurrect, you're now like thirty paces away from him.
I'll update with the others soon enough, but here is the first.
Victor -
Based around the rather easy to get elite skill of Victory is Mine, the Victor is really a disruptor of everybody, and difficult as hell to kill as a Warrior Ranger. While as a 1v1 threat not the worst, his ability to scale with more opponents should be helpful, and he isn't a selfish W/Mo so that deserves a plus.
Axe Mastery 10 + 1 (Rune)
Strength 8 + 1 (Rune)
Tactics 9 + 2 (Gladiator Helm + Rune)
Wilderness Survival 9
Heavy Axe Haft
Gladiator Armor
Suggest a 5 or so energy focus or a very nice shield, the extra 5 can become extremely helpful off the start.
A Major Rune or two is possible because of the healing and defensive effects, but decide at your own discretion.
Axe Rake - For use after Dismember on a target if you think they are about to get away, or anyone who espcaes your earlier trap, plus a nice damage bonus.
Axe Twist - Weakness is annoying as hell and rarely used, this can end a warrior's threat against your monk just as well as a defensive spell, really rely on it for whoever is being beat on the quickest after you deep wound em.
Dismember - Unfortunately, it ain't Eviscerate but that elite is taken up elsewhere, Deep Wounds are still nasty and will of course open the way for Rake and Twist, though you may not need to worry about using it as much since alot of people use deep wound attacks.
Victory is Mine! - Elite - Sort of the center of this build, because of the amount of conditions it has been creating, when you get low, click it. If it isn't enough to heal you to full, then everyone is purging conditions or you haven't waited long enough, and really, the kind of damage to drop you right after using it is insane and a monk wouldn't be able to heal that anyway.
To the Limit! - A possibly instant 5 adrenaline, meaning you can use all of your skills in short order with a hit before and a hit right after, assures a definite advantage at the start of battle and following through if you can spare the 5 energy.
Healing Spring - The way the Victor isn't a complete self-absorbed fighter, a rather nice healing effect for a pitched battle in a single spot, which alot seem to be. Obviously activate the next skill first.
Dryder's Defenses - 75% to evade and elemental resistance, it is great. If you've seen how much a difference 24 makes from Ward Against Elements, you'll love having 45 or so for about 8 seconds, this is also when you need to place traps down mid-battle, hopefully works.
Barbed Trap - Ok, doing Dryder's, Healing, and then Barbed will really take the energy out of you, so it requires youa good starting amount, especially where the focus comes in, but, place it early a bit before the fight and you shouldn't have many problems. This cripples and bleeds that group of early warriors who think to overtake you.
So now, what do you do with this guy? Find your team a defensive position, throw down Barbed Trap about 20 seconds before they come, t his should be enough time to regenerate lost energy which you may want back. Let them come to you, people are stupid enough to run over traps or never notice em. At the start of battle after your trap has gone off, run past the first few and throw up a To the Limit! to give yourself a huge boost in being able to do some wounds, and making yourself the first target, don't worry, this is a good thing. Find a target like an elementalist or monk who could become a problem, and strike against them since they probably weren't in the trap, those guys behind you, crippled and bleeding already for a long while. Dismember, Axe Rake, Axe Twist, you should be over your full energy by now and now you have hopefully three opponents with about 2 or 3 conditions between em, especially if people added to that pile. Hopefully, you can garner attention now with some healing spring by going Dryder's Defense in the middle of the team, and look...everyone is healing for about 180 hp. During Dryder's though if you can place down another Barbed Trap as well, just to refresh and catch anyone else, hell, run into another group if you think they deserve a little. And, if you're being hit at all during that time, Victory is Mine! it up and go right back to full, repeat this process as often as possible.